but in ace's spreadsheet i dont see how that could be. for instance.......
indy -18.5 lineoff 12. if that is saying the line should be -30.5 then why would the play be titans +18.5? does that make sense?:nohead:
but in ace's spreadsheet i dont see how that could be. for instance.......
indy -18.5 lineoff 12. if that is saying the line should be -30.5 then why would the play be titans +18.5? does that make sense?:nohead:
It could mean that the line should be Indy -6.5. That would be a lineoff of 12 from a line that is -18.5. In that case you would want to take the Titans at +18.5 if the actual line should be Indy -6.5.
when you ask a question you need to be more descriptive,
Yes, in Aces situation he uses an AVERAGE of each teams previous Lines, and how much the LINES WERE OFF,,, how much the Disparity of the actual score to the line was,,, "line off"